Caritas Christi Urget Nos The Love of Christ Impels Us L'amour de Christ Nous Presse



                                  RECOLLECTION 2024

The Synod on Synodality has provided an opportunity for the Church to reflect upon various themes, one of which is “Participation, governance, and authority.” In the context of this theme, one of the key questions posed to working groups is, “How can we renew the service of authority and the exercise of responsibility in a missionary synodal Church?” This profound inquiry sets the tone for a deeper exploration of the dynamic interplay between authority, governance, and participation within the Church.

In resonance with this theme, the recollection module for this year is entitled “Praying with our Spiritual Leaders.” Throughout the rich tapestry of our Congregation’s history, we have been blessed by spiritual leaders who have served as beacons of inspiration, persuasion, motivation, and have, in their own unique ways, “lifted us up.” This recollection material endeavors to honor the indelible mark left by significant figures who have played an important role in shaping our Congregation. It contains insightful excerpts from the lives of our Founder, our first Sisters, and General Superiors, individuals who have not only safeguarded our charism but have also guided us with their words and exemplary lives all throughout our synodal journey as Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres.

Through prayer, reflection, and faith sharing, we hope that this monthly recollection guide will help us remember and honor our spiritual leaders and foster a sense of gratitude for their valuable contributions. By revisiting their ideals and virtues, we aim to ensure that their memory lives on through our actions and daily lives, setting an enduring example for future generations to follow.

We express our deep gratitude to the Formation Team of the Philippine Province for their significant contribution in this recollection guide.

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THEME: The Generosity of Mother Thais BOUCHER

GRACE TO BEG: Lord Jesus, I beg for the grace of a generous heart, that I may give myself wholeheartedly in the service of others, without counting the cost.

 Scripture Text:  Matthew. 10: 7-9

“As you go make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand! Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received, without cost, you are to give.

Mother Thais Boucher

Mother Thais had the joy to see the departure of the first SPC missionaries to the Far East in 1848, under the guidance of Monsignor Forcade. She had been a missionary and the Principal Superior in Antilles before her election as Superior General in 1843.

She was described by the Ecclesiastical Superior as “precious wood hidden behind an ordinary bark.”


  1. Contemplate on Mt. 10:7-9. Listen to Jesus commissioning his twelve apostles.

Reflect on your present ministry. How can you come as closely as possible to the instruction of Jesus “without cost you have received, without cost you are to give?”

  1. In what area of your consecrated life are you being called to give yourself gratuitously?
  2. End your prayer with thanksgiving.


Organize a day of prayer for the SPC Missionaries.