Caritas Christi Urget Nos The Love of Christ Impels Us L'amour de Christ Nous Presse




                 MONTHLY RECOLLECTION GUIDE 2025


As Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, we are called to be pilgrims of hope, journeying together with hearts rooted in God’s promise and eyes set on His vision. In a world filled with uncertainty, our vocation challenges us to bring Christ’s hope into every community we serve. As Spes Non Confundit reminds us, “Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured into our hearts”  (Rom 5:5).

This monthly recollection guide invites us to reflect deeply on our mission, nurturing a hope that inspires and strengthens us to be active bearers of God’s light. In our faith sharing, we will engage in spiritual conversations structured in three rounds as we have already been doing. In the first round, we will listen to one another without interruption, creating a space for each person’s insights and feelings to be shared.

In the second round, we will reflect on and share on what we have heard. Finally, in the third round, we will express our personal commitments moving forward, articulating how we can embody and share God’s hope in concrete ways. May this time of reflection draw us closer to God, renew our commitment to His call, and empower us to carry His hope to those around us. Let us embrace this sacred practice, trusting that through these conversations, we will be strengthened and inspired to fulfill our mission with renewed zeal and commitment.                                                                                             

MARCH 2025

THEME: “Hope Does Not Disappoint”


: The theme “Hope Does Not Disappoint” invites us to rediscover hope rooted in God’s steadfast love. St. Paul reminds us that God’s love through the Holy Spirit is our unwavering hope, even in suffering. As we reflect on this gift, may we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, who renews our courage and strengthens our trust in God.


Lord Jesus, I beg for a hopeful heart that trusts in God’s love, even in adversity, and that remains open to the action of the Holy Spirit, who renews our hope each day.

 Scripture Text:  Romans 5:3-5

“We boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us.”

CORRELATED READING:   Spes non Confundit#2 par 1

Hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us” (Rom 5:1-2.5).


1.Trusting in God’s Promises: “Hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5)

  • Pray for a heart that confidently trusts in God’s promises, even when life is challenging. Reflect on any personal fears or doubts you may be 7 experiencing, and offer these to God, asking the Holy Spirit to strengthen your trust.
  • How have I experienced God’s love as a source of hope in the past? Where is God inviting me to deepen my trust today?
  1. Perseverance through Suffering: Romans 5:3- 5 – “We boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope…”
  •  Pray for the grace to endure with a hopeful heart in times of suffering. Ask God to reveal the areas where He is forming and refining your character through life’s challenges.
  • What specific difficulties or trials am I currently facing? How might God be using these experiences to draw me closer and to shape my heart in hope?


  1. Share your hopes for yourself and the Congregation.
  2. As a community, create a concrete action to bring God’s hope in a meaningful way to the people you are working with in the apostolate.