Caritas Christi Urget Nos The Love of Christ Impels Us L'amour de Christ Nous Presse


As Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, we are called to be pilgrims of hope, journeying together with hearts rooted in God’s promise and eyes set on His vision. In a world filled with uncertainty, our vocation challenges us to bring Christ’s hope into every community we serve. As Spes Non Confundit reminds us, “Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured into our hearts” (Rom 5:5).
This monthly recollection guide invites us to reflect deeply on our mission, nurturing a hope that inspires and strengthens us to be active bearers of God’s light. In our faith sharing, we will engage in spiritual conversations structured in three rounds as we have already been doing. In the first round, we will listen to one another without interruption, creating a space for each person’s insights and feelings to be shared.
In the second round, we will reflect on and share on what we have heard. Finally, in the third round, we will express our personal commitments moving forward, articulating how we can embody and share God’s hope in concrete ways. May this time of reflection draw us closer to God, renew our commitment to His call, and empower us to carry His hope to those around us. Let us embrace this sacred practice, trusting that through these conversations, we will be strengthened and inspired to fulfill our mission with renewed zeal and commitment.
THEME: Pilgrims of Hope
In Spes non Confundit #5 par 2, We are called to be “pilgrims of hope,” embarking on a spiritual journey of trust and confidence in God’s promises. This pilgrimage is not merely a physical journey but a profound spiritual adventure that invites us to discover and embrace the deep-seated hope that resides within us. As women religious, our path is marked by a quest for deeper union with God and service to others, navigating challenges with resilience and faith. Hope sustains us, empowering us to be beacons of light in a dark world.
Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to faithfully embark on this journey of faith with the spirit of a pilgrim, seeking meaning in simplicity, silence, and perseverance.
Scripture Text: Luke 2:22-40
“When the days were completed for their purification according to the law of Moses, they took him [Jesus] up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord…”
Spes non Confundit#5 par 2
Pilgrimage is a fundamental element of every Jubilee event. Setting out on a journey is traditionally associated with our human quest for meaning in life. A pilgrimage on foot is a great aid for rediscovering the value of silence, effort and simplicity of life. In the coming year, pilgrims of hope will surely travel the ancient and more modern routes in order to experience the Jubilee to the full.
- Silence as a Path to Encounter. The Gospel reading includes Simeon and Anna, who were prayerful and attentive to the Spirit, seeking God’s will in silence and patience. Pilgrimage involves both external and internal silence—quieting the world’s noise to listen for God.
Reflect on the Gospel
Reading and create a personal Spiritual Life Plan that includes moments of quiet reflection and daily practices to help us remain faithful, discerning and attentive to God’s presence like Simeon and Anna.
- The Pilgrimage of Life. Pilgrimages are not just physical journeys but spiritual ones. The Spes Non Confundit passage speaks about rediscovering the value of silence, simplicity, and perseverance. How can I live my life as a pilgrimage, seeking meaning and purpose in the simple moments? What distractions or complexities do I need to remove to walk more closely with Christ?
- Mapping your Spiritual Journey. To help you in your Spiritual Life Plan, take some time to journal your spiritual journey like mapping a pilgrimage.
Reflect on “mountaintop” moments of experiencing God’s presence and “valley” moments of struggle. Consider where you are on your spiritual path and where you need to grow, transform, and remain faithful.
- Share your Spiritual Life Plan.
- Suggest a community pilgrimage event that will foster your personal and communal spiritual growth, transformation, and faithfulness.