325th Foundation Anniversary Launching

Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres


Welcome ...

We invite everyone to join us in praising and thanking God
for his boundless graciousness.

God’s love is eternal and His faithfulness lasts forever.
Psalm 100:5

Launching of 325th Anniversary In Rome

Generalate, Rome.
Mother General launched the opening of the 325th anniversary. Four Jubilarians who are missionaries in Rome celebrated their 70th, 50th and 25th jubilee respectively during the Eucharistic Celebration which was presided by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State in Vatican, and co-celebrated by Fr. Charles Phukuta Khonde, CICM Superior General.

325th Logo

Explanation of the LOGO:
The Congregation (brown triangle which symbolizes a boat) rooted in and guided by Christ (White cross), faithful to its founding charism, continues to sow the wheat grains of Levesville (wheat grains of various colors and shapes) in the five continents, in humility and simplicity with a preferential love for the poor.

325th Theme Song

Abounding Grace is the theme song of our 325th anniversary written and composed by our own sisters.

PDRs' Celebration

The SPC Provinces, Regions and Districts had their own respective celebrations.

Launching of 325th Anniversary in Rome

Mother General Launched the 325th
Foundation Anniversary in Rome

January 24, 2021

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Main Celebrant

Very Rev. Charles Phukuta Khonde, CICM, Co-celebrant


PDRs' 325th Celebration


On the Feast of St. Paul’s Conversion, a mass was celebrated at Joseph Stinzi College to celebrate the 325th anniversary of the Sisters of Saint Paul de Charters congregation.

The celebration was an opportunity to happily open this jubilee year, which the sisters chose to articulate around 3 ′′ Rs “. First, to remember our origins:  the grain of wheat sown by Father Louis Chauvet, our founder, over 3 centuries ago.  Second,  to renew, i.e. to return to the essentials of life spent on new paths. Finally, to continue to walk on the path of the Lord with more generosity, creativity, and renewed evangelical enthusiasm.

The Bishop, who was celebrating the mass, greeted the sisters, rector, teaching staff and students gathered for the occasion. 

He invited the sisters to contemplate on the beauty of the works God did everyday in their lives and encouraged them to continue their mission to the poorest with a renewed missionary momentum.

The district’s senior sister handed a candle to each superior in the community as a symbol to light the jubilee flame in each of the 7 communities located in Cameroon.

We give thanks for these 3 centuries of grace, life and mission, especially for the work of the sisters in Cameroon where they have worked for more than 50 years at the service of the poorest through the ministries of education of young people, health and pastoral care.



SPC Philippine Province Launches
Three Milestone Events

Sr. Bernadette Racadio, SPC

The opening salvo to launch the 325 Years of SPC Foundation, the 110 Years of Religious Formation in the Philippine Province and the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines reverberated with joy, overwhelming the Sisters and guests, virtually and physically present, in Our Lady of Chartres Convent on January 25, 2021.

The Processional

Unique and culture-bound, the processional was led by three graceful dancers performing the Sinulog, which served as the Call to Worship. The Sinulog is a prayer-dance in honor of the Infant Jesus or the Santo Niño, whose statue was a baptismal gift of the Portuguese Conquistador Ferdinand Magellan to Rajah Humabon of Cebu, where the first Mass was celebrated in 1521, marking the birth of Christianity in the Philippines. 

Three flag bearers followed suit, carrying the Philippine Flag, signifying the presence of the SPC in the country; the Flag of France, signifying the country of origin of the Congregation; and the Vatican Flag, showing that SPC belongs to the Church as a Congregation of Pontifical Right.  

Sr. Lilia Thérèse Tolentino, the provincial administration, and the celebrants came in last.

The Eucharistic Celebration

The main celebrant and homilist of the launching was His Excellency, the Most Reverend Charles John Brown, the new Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines; joined by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Francisco de Leon, Bishop of the Diocese of Antipolo; Reverend Monsignori Julien Kaboré and Gabriel Viola, Counsellors of the Apostolic Nunciature; and other priest friends as concelebrants.

The presence of the Nuncio from Rome and the Bishop from the Diocese of Antipolo was a significant recall of the parish beginnings and growth of the SPC Congregation way back in Levesville-la-Chenard, when its parish priest, Père Louis Chauvet, invited and trained the first Sisters to teach catechism and to care for the sick and the poor. 

Consequently, their increase in number and deepened missionary zeal brought them to Cayenne and other continents, as reflected by Sr. Lilia Thérèse Tolentino, Provincial Superior, in her introduction before the Mass.

The Program

“Colorful, cultural, and charismatic” characterized the program after the sumptuous lunch. The lively song-dance, “Tayo na sa Antipolo,” performed by the Sisters in Initial Formation, served to welcome the guests.  Folk dances originating from various regions in the Philippines where the Sisters do their apostolate were performed, like the Cariñosa from Dumaguete, the Bulaklakan and the Tinikling from the Tagalog region, Panderetas from Iloilo, the Malong Dance from Mindanao. 

To culminate the program, a song and dance interpretation of the theme song, “Yes to Mission,” in celebration of the 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines, was performed by the participants.

Afterwards, the audience watched and listened to the video recording of the message of Mother Maria Goretti Lee, Superior General, who emphasized that Jesus must always be the core of the Sisters’ being as they pray, witness, and proclaim Him. 

His Excellency, Most Reverend Charles John Brown likewise gave a meaningful message, after which Sr. Lilia Thérèse thanked the Mass celebrants for their presence and all the Sisters for their support and generous effort for the successful launching. 

The program ended with the choreographed community singing of “Abounding Grace,” the theme song of the 325th Foundation Anniversary celebration.

The Papal Blessing

As the launching event started with the Mass presided by the Apostolic Nuncio, it likewise ended with a special blessing from the Pope given by the Nuncio.  



Hanoi, Vietnam



Republic of Central Africa

June 2021 Eucharistic Celebration

Eucharistic celebration video


Celebration on the occasion of the Feast of St. Paul
Launching of the 325th Foundation Anniversary
Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres

District of Haiti

 “Jubilate! Jubilee! Shout for Joy!”

On Sunday, the 24th of January 2021, the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres in the District of Haiti celebrated in a special way the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul and the launching of the 325th Jubilee Year of the Founding of the Congregation.

As a prelude and to better prepare for the celebration, the Sisters of the Community of the District House in Delmas 31, together with the faithful who regularly attend services in the chapel, observed a Triduum from Thursday to Saturday (January 21-23). This included the sharing of biblical texts taken from the Epistles of Saint Paul, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, recitation of the Rosary, Litany prayer of Saint Paul, and a closing prayer during Vespers.

For the apostle Paul, gratitude is an attitude and an inner and profound disposition that is deeply rooted in daily life. A graced time to renew one’s faith and zeal to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, and to give thanks to God for the gift of 325 years of existence and service of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres to the world through all these centuries.

“Lord, how wonderful are your works, our hearts are full of joy!” Finally, the long-awaited day has arrived. Despite the disruptive race of the pandemic, the participants with their masks on, cannot but reflect the joy in their hearts. Our little chapel was packed to the brim. There were as many people inside as there were outside. It was not possible to respect the 3-meter distance demanded by the local authorities.

As one, we raised our gratitude and our cheers to God!   Everyone was there: the guests, all our Sisters from the different local communities, the faithful who came earlier than usual, fearing that they would not find a place. The formal ceremony lasted for 2 hours.

 “Lord, I do not ask where You are taking me,” goes the song during the entrance procession.

After the Introduction and a brief glimpse into the life of St. Paul, the Choir sang the entrance song: “Exult with joy, people of the universe … Jubilee… sing… Alleluia !”

The Archbishop, accompanied by some Priests, presided over the ceremony marked by the rite of the blessing of the water used for the sprinkling of the Assembly. This was followed by the procession of the Word by one of the Priests solemnly carrying the Lectionary accompanied by two Postulants each carrying a lighted candle to symbolize the Sunday of the Word of God proclaimed by Pope Francis.

At the beginning of his homily, the Archbishop spoke highly of the places where the Sisters are on mission in Haiti. After wishing us a Happy Jubilee Year and a Happy Feast of St. Paul, he asked us to follow the example of St. Paul and be his worthy imitators.  His message emphasized our responsibility to the planet, particularly to the human family. He exhorted us in the manner of St. Paul to come out of our routine drowsiness and be clothed with the new man ready to proclaim the Kingdom of God in and out of season in our everyday life: that peace, justice, love, brotherhood may reign as we allow ourselves to be pierced by the Word heard and meditated on; and that our lives may be slowly transformed daily in the image of God, as we walk towards our heavenly homeland. His homily truly edified us.

After the song of Thanksgiving: “Mayifikat, mesi Bondye … Viv Bondye,” a couple whose wife is a  Friend of St. Paul approached the Altar to receive from the Archbishop a special blessing on their 50th wedding anniversary. The husband said these words, “I left home at least 15 times, and each time I returned, came the realization that the Lord has really made us one for the other.” The chapel resounded with applause.

Then our District Superior said the word of thanks to the Archbishop, the Priests, the different Congregations who came to support us with their prayers and of course, to the choir and the faithful. Then our esteemed Sr Jeanne Maurice, took the floor to express her joy of belonging to the Congregation, inviting both the young girls present and those not around but may have to opportunity to hear the broadcast of the Mass thanks to two television stations, to respond when God calls.

Before giving his final blessing, the Archbishop expressed his joy and satisfaction in the work that the Sisters are doing in the country, and invited the young people “to come and register in the notebook of the Congregation which is still open.”  The ceremony ended in a festive note.

After the celebration of the Eucharist, we all proceeded to the refectory where a fraternal and succulent agape prepared with care and love by the Sisters and the young girls of our 2 local schools awaited everyone.  The Archbishop, Priests, Religious Sisters, Laity had only one word to express their satisfaction: It was beautiful; it was beautiful!  With hungry stomachs, we all partook of the banquet.

Closing of the Jubilee Year of the 325 of the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres

Daegu, South Korea

Launching of the 325th Foundation Anniversary
Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres

Daegu Province

Significance of the wheat being offered:

 On the thanksgiving mass celebration of the 325th foundation anniversary of the Daegu Province, the sisters brought the colorful wheat grain as part of the offering to the altar during the entrance procession.

The offerings are meaningful symbols of the sisters’ resolution to specifically live a life that gives ecological witness as the most urgent vocation being asked of us during this critical period of our time.

 The offerings of the sisters are the following:

1) Green Wheat Grain: Zero waste practice to properly return resources to nature

2) Yellow Wheat Grain: Prohibition of genetic manipulation with disturbance of the ecological order

3) Blue Wheat Grain: Prohibition of cruelty to animals for human convenience

4) Violet Wheat Grain(Remembering, Renewing, and Responding): Message from Mother General, Sr. Maria Goretti LEE, in celebration of the             325th Foundation Anniversary

5) Red Wheat Grain: Prohibition of abortion and suicide for protecting the value of life



325th Anniversary Launching... telling a story how it started!

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Seoul, South Korea

SPC Seoul Celebrates 325th Foundation Anniversary

On July 22, 2021, SPC Seoul celebrated double memorable milestones: the 325th Founding Anniversary of the Congregation and the 133rd Founding Anniversary of Korea. The Eucharistic Celebration was officiated by Cardinal Andrew YEOM. 

The Mass started with the offering of lights, a prelude to the creation of the heavens and the earth with the words of God the Father, “Let there be Light.” Each sister offering the lighted candle to the altar brought with her a significant meaning to the lighted candle she offers.
  • the Light of Jesus Christ, who is the true light
  • the Light of the Founder, Father Louis Chauvet, Marie Anne de Tilly, and the Daughters of the School
  • the Light of The Missionary Sisters of Cayenne and Mère Josseaume
  • the light of Mère Maria, the fountain of spirituality, and the mother of the Far East missions, Mère Benjamin
  • the light of Mère La Croix, who loved the cross
  • the light of Christ permeated into the daily devotion of the Sisters all over the world
  • the light of Martyrdom and the light of the ‘Book of Life’
The celebration culminated with congratulatory messages of warm encouragement and support from people who had been with the sisters. This was followed by the sisters’ renewed promises of commitment to their mission as they sang, “Abounding Grace,” the SPC 325th Anniversary Song. In the corridor leading to the Convent’s Chapel, was an exhibition of paintings and photographs of the Congregation’s history to remember and meditate on the spirituality handed down to the sisters by their founder, Father Louis Chauvet.

Praise and glory to God who has guided the SPC Seoul Province to the fullest of grace for 325 years.


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Eucharistic Celebration

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SPC Switzerland Celebrates 325th Foundation Anniversary
